Last updated February 2023
A collection of math and geometry functions that I use all the time when coding 2D prototypes in HTML canvas, 3D models in Blender, or LEDs in C for Arduino. I will always post the sources that helped me figure out the math, but some of these functions I wrote a long time ago and I’ve lost the sources. These functions might not be perfect or work in every use case, but they work great for what I need them for!
Find the xy coordinates of a point along the circumference of a circle at a given angle (in degrees)
const pointOnCircumference = (radius, origin, degrees) => {
const d = degrees - 90 < 0 ? degrees + 270 : degrees - 90;
const radians = (d * Math.PI) / 180;
return {
x: origin.x + radius * Math.cos(radians),
y: origin.y + radius * Math.sin(radians)
Example usage:
const circleRadius = 20;
const circleOrigin = { x: 4, y: 16 };
const degrees = 60;
pointOnCircumference(circleRadius, circleOrigin, degrees);
// Output: {x: 21.320508075688767, y: 5.999999999999991}
Find the xy coordinates of a point along the perimeter of an ellipse at a given angle (in degrees) and given an angle of rotation. If the ellipse is not rotated, you can pass 0
for this value.
const pointOnEllipse = (ellipse, degrees) => {
const d = degrees - 90 < 0 ? degrees + 270 : degrees - 90;
const angleRadians = (d * Math.PI) / 180;
return {
ellipse.x +
ellipse.rx * Math.cos(angleRadians) * Math.cos(ellipse.rotation) -
ellipse.ry * Math.sin(angleRadians) * Math.sin(ellipse.rotation),
ellipse.y +
ellipse.rx * Math.cos(angleRadians) * Math.sin(ellipse.rotation) +
ellipse.ry * Math.sin(angleRadians) * Math.cos(ellipse.rotation)
Example usage:
const ellipse = {
rotation: 17,
rx: 8,
ry: 3,
x: 4,
y: 16,
const degrees = 127;
pointOnEllipse(ellipse, degrees);
// Output: {x: 3.9777086588522277, y: 9.360758297736306}