Tree of Light Prototype

April 2022

Tree of light radial gradient

What’s it for?

This 4-foot tall structure is a prototype for a larger LED structure we’re building this year that we’re calling the “Tree of Light” (that name is just a placeholder until we come up with a better one….) The actual final structure will be somewhere around 35-40 ft tall, but since it will take time to build, we decided to build a smaller prototype, so that I can start writing code and figuring out the algorithms for the light patterns. We made it out of plexiglass and wood. This post is about my process of adding LEDs to it!

Photo of prototype without LEDs


First measure all the things

We want the LEDs to be arranged in this flowery shape on each disc. The first step is to gather some measurements based on the radius of each disc. There are two important lengths here which I’m calling p1 (length of the “inner petal” edge) and p2 (length of the “outer petal” edge)

Disc measurements

Variables   Equation
r radius of the disc  
p1 length of edge of inner petal r / 2 / sin(60°) *
p2 length of edge of outer petal 0.65 * p1 **

* I won’t pretend I figured this out without looking it up… thank you stackexchange
** I figured out this 0.65 in a silly way. Instead of working out the geometry, I coded the above diagram with JavaScript in an HTML canvas, and logged out ratio of p2 relative to p1

With all these measurements, I drew the pattern onto each disc, and cut pieces of LED strip to fit along these lines. As I did that, I recorded the number of LEDs in p1 and p2 for each disc in a spreadsheet, and when I was done I had cut a total of 1284 LEDs.

Lines draw on first disc

How to route the LEDs along these “petals”

I needed to figure out how to send the wires from the ESP32 board and how to route all the segments of LED strip around each petal. The ESP32 board (which will live at the top center of the model) has 19 output pins. My goals here were to stay within ≤19 pins, minimize the amount of wire used, and also hide the wires to keep it nice-looking.

Disc plan per petal group

Here’s what that strip looks like all spread out:

Disc plan per strip

Starting at the center of the disc, the LED strip will trace one inner and one outer petal, and then the pattern will repeat starting with the next inner petal. At first I planned to bend the LED strips on the 120 and 90 degree turns, but the LED strip felt too fragile, and wouldn’t sit flat enough. So I soldered short little jumper wires between each straight segment. I really enjoy soldering, so I didn’t mind the extra soldering time. :)

How big does the power supply need to be?

I happened to have this 5V power supply lying around. Here’s how I calculated whether it would be big enough, using P = V * A.

    Watts P Volts V Amps A
Power Supply   300W 5V 60A
1 meter LEDs (60 LEDs/m)   12W 5V 2.4A
per LED   0.2W 5V 0.04A
all LEDs (1284 LEDs)   256.8W x 10%* =
5V 51.36A

* This YouTube video recommended getting a power supply that has a capacity at least 10% higher than the max needed.

Where to inject power?

1284 LEDs is obviously too many LEDs to string together in one strand. To figure out how often I would need to inject power, I unrolled one of the LED strips I bought and set the whole thing to white on full brightness. It looked obviously yellow around 2/3rds of the way down the strip, after ~200 LEDs. So I injected power every 200 LEDs.

WS2812B full white

Dividing LEDs into groups

Groups of 200 LEDs
This diagram shows how all 1284 LEDs are split up into groups of ~200. I routed wires to each group to inject power. Each group also has a single data pin on the ESP32. Some groups have less than 200 because I wanted to start each new group of 200 at the beginning of the petal right near the center rod. It worked out to be 7 groups of LEDs:

ESP32 Pin 2: 200 LEDs
ESP32 Pin 4: 184 LEDs
ESP32 Pin 5: 196 LEDs
ESP32 Pin 12: 202 LEDs
ESP32 Pin 13: 198 LEDs
ESP32 Pin 14: 190 LEDs
ESP32 Pin 18: 114 LEDs

Total: 1284 LEDs

The power supply and ESP32 live on the top of the tree. I ran wires from there down through little holes we drilled in the plexiglass to the beginning of each LED group, and connected to the strips with 3-pin connectors. The LED groups that start on one disc and end on the next disc are also connected together with the 3-pin connectors.


Soldering and Glueing

The soldering and glueing went smoothly for the most part! The trickiest part was that I had to glue the LED strips on in a specific order, to make sure that the wires got glued down underneath the LED strips.

Glue LEDs onto disc progress Glue LEDs on to disc done


Setting each disc to a different color involved figuring out how to map LEDs from pins to discs. I ended up making one big long array of the LEDs for each disc chained together. Then I created a simple struct for each disc that stored a pointer to that disc’s LEDs, so I can access them per-disc.

Defining the FastLED array. Just a big list of all LEDs chained together:

CRGB *leds;

void setup() {

  leds = new CRGB[NUM_LEDS_TOTAL];

  uint16_t startIndex = 0;
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, PIN_1>(leds, startIndex, NUM_LEDS_PIN_1);
  startIndex += NUM_LEDS_PIN_1;
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, PIN_2>(leds, startIndex, NUM_LEDS_PIN_2);
  startIndex += NUM_LEDS_PIN_2;
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, PIN_3>(leds, startIndex, NUM_LEDS_PIN_3);
  startIndex += NUM_LEDS_PIN_3;
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, PIN_4>(leds, startIndex, NUM_LEDS_PIN_4);
  startIndex += NUM_LEDS_PIN_4;
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, PIN_5>(leds, startIndex, NUM_LEDS_PIN_5);
  startIndex += NUM_LEDS_PIN_5;
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, PIN_6>(leds, startIndex, NUM_LEDS_PIN_6);
  startIndex += NUM_LEDS_PIN_6;
  FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, PIN_7>(leds, startIndex, NUM_LEDS_PIN_7);

  // ...

Defining a simple data structure for the disc info:

struct Disc {
  uint8_t discIndex;
  uint8_t numLEDs; // number of LEDs in this disc
  uint16_t offset; // number of LEDs in tree before this disc
  CRGB *leds; // the LEDs for this disc

Creating the instances of each Disc, while accumulating an offset to track the disc’s position in the whole tree: This forum thread helped me figure out this nice simple way to keep a pointer for each disc’s LEDs (the &leds[offset] part below).

void setup() {
  // ...

  uint16_t offset = 0;
  for (uint8_t d = 0; d < NUM_DISCS; d++) {
    Disc disc = {d, NUM_LEDS_DISC[d], offset, &leds[offset]};
    discs[d] = disc;
    offset += disc.numLEDs;

And then I can just set each disc to a different color of the rainbow!

void loop() {
  for (uint8_t d = 0; d < NUM_DISCS; d++) {
    for (uint8_t p = 0; p < discs[d].numLEDs; p++) {
      discs[d].leds[p] = rainbow[d];

Here’s the full code!

Photo of prototype lit up Photo of prototype lit up

Okay but does it do anything yet??

This post is meant to be about the build, not the light patterns. I will be developing a lot more light patterns for this thing! But if you read this far down this post, then I love you. And you probably want to see this thing do something cool! So here’s a nice simple one.
